Tuesday, May 30, 2017

17.05.27. Dia de la boda

Hay lluvia en la mañana.  There was rain in the morning. I was not part of the resulting chaos until about 3:30 when I rode in work clothes with Eric and Clau to the event with Lupita who HAD been at the venue in the morning. She had a story to tell during the drive to the event, and I am happy to report "no entendí" ( I did not understand) any of the specifics, but the message was clear. The rain had been a problem for the wedding planners. 

When we arrived at 4:15 for a 5:00 posted arrival time, the tables were still being rearranged under the palapa, and were not set.  The best I could do to help was to work with the table crew to tie the seat pads to the dinner chairs for the tables under the palapa roof.  The palm branches we worked on yesterday were never at risk of ruin and looked lovely as doorway arches. 

Lupita looked radiant as the mother of the bride after we all changed out of our work clothes to begin the party. 

Guests began to arrive on time by shuttle van from Bacalar, before we were ready, but were patient, understanding and dry. In fact good luck and the sun shone down on the happy couple and we all stayed dry the rest of the afternoon and night except for the when Abe and Isa chose to share their vows with each other and offer up an offering to the earth while standing in the lagoon 

Claudia was radiant as part of the wedding party - three cousins and four friends of the bride ( one friend is missing from this photo).
Eric y yo tomamos un buen foto con Claudia. 

And here is a good photo of las hermanas con sus esposos.

I had dinner at the adult table with Lupita and her family/friends.  During dinner there was much rapid group chatter and some one-on-one slow conversation with my table neighbors. I kept saying "no entendí mucho, pero disfruto todos" ( I dont understand much, but I enjoy all"). Including the tequila and coca the hombres de la familia offered me. 
Sergio, the bride's brother performed first with his Beatles cover band. Then a continuous string of live band and DJ music kept the youngsters entertained until dawn.....

but I took the shuttle bus home at 1:00 with the only other primary English speaking person I met at the wedding. Al was a friend of the groom's family who flew in from Toronto. He told me he had good intentions to learn some Spanish, but didn't get very far, so he asked me for help negotiating the ride home on the shuttle van. 

No problemo para mi!

1 comment:

  1. Previous comment was with the wrong post. The wedding looks and sounds beautiful.
