Thursday, May 18, 2017

17.05.19 Bye Bye Beach Buns

When I first arrived on the island I was a little shocked at the number, style and quañity of buns on display. But after a couple days I decided to see how many of them I could photograph without being noticed. Perhaps I should have asked permission, but that would have been wierd, too, and I figured they were intentionally on display, so why not?  Since I don't know the owners' names (except one) and have not shown any faces, I think I am safe for publishing. 

So enjoy .........

Respectfully covered buns

Respectfully uncovered buns

Sandy buns

Bubble blowing buns

Big buns

Baby Oil Buns

Buns and boobs?

Beautiful Buns

Bye bye beach buns.
He disfrutado té observa.
(I have enjoyed watching you)


  1. So far my second favorite post!

  2. I was hoping this one would get good reviews - I enjoyed it :)

  3. This is great! So on point. My favorite was the first bun of course ;)
