Wednesday, May 24, 2017

17.05.18-21 I'm not in Kansas anymore

Six clues I'm not in Kansas any more.......

Clue #1:   Cold water showers feel great!

After Isla Mujeres I spent four nights in "La Casa de Lupita" with Claudia and her mom.  I heard "mi casa, su casa" more than than once and I believe it. 
But in "mi casa" I take my showers as hot as I can get them. Here in Cancun I enjoyed the cold showers - they feel great to reduce body temperature, if only until one gets out and dressed again.

Clue #2.  Afternoon siestas are a real thing 

Lupita is a skin care doctor and sees patients in her home.  Patients are scheduled through 3:00 PM at which time the patients and help go home.  After the family eats a hearty lunch, everyone retires to their room for a siesta until 5:00 or so.  Then the "afternoon" errands and personal tasks begin.  Here is Claudia working at sunset time and beyond on a gardening project on the rooftop of her friend's yoga studio. 
Claudia and Eric have designed the layout and contents of the rooftop planter boxes which will provide fresh herbs and veggies for the young studio's juice bar and cafe.

Clue #3. Movie popcorn with a kick. 

We went to see a movie - Lo Que Verdad Importa (The Healer) at a new theatre in a big shopping mall.  We got a jumbo  popcorn to share and they put salsa picante on top of the butter!  I'd never heard of such a thing, but when in Mexico......  They would have added jalapeños too had I not been there! I was glad they skipped the jalapeños but I did enjoy the salsa picante. 
The advertisements and previews were all in Spanish. The movie itself was the English sound track with Spanish subtitles which I read the whole way through in my quest to improve my Spanish. I enjoyed the movie even though and because it dealt with general sickness, terminal illness and the existence of heaven which caused me to have an intense but healing cry when the movie ended. 

Clue #4.  Where's the baseball?

We had a date to meet Claudia's dad and Grandma for dinner ( after siesta and "afternoon" chores dinner starts at 9:00 PM). Dad chose TGIFridays. Great, I thought, something familiar. NOT!  It looked like a TGIFridays from the outside, and was similar on the inside except:
-Menus in Spanish
-Menu items with a Mexican flair
-Soccer on the big screen TVs
-No baseball!


Clue #5.    Home Depot is dyslexic 
Read the signs!
Lupita took me on her errand to Home Depot ( it was too hot to wait in the car, and I wanted to see it for myself anyway). It looked very much as I expected including the reverse image of signage inside - Spanish with English subtitles.

Clue #6. Breakfast serenade

We went to Sunday morning breakfast and were treated to live traditional Mexican musicians - one on a harp and one on a small instrument in the guitar family.  When they were done they visited the tables to pass the hat.  Unusual but enjoyable!

One of the things I love about travel is to enjoy different sights and experiences than those familiar at home. 

One of the things I've learned since being a full-time motor home dweller is that home is wherever I choose it to be. Home is currently in Cancun and the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. 

One of the things I learned from Dorothy is "there is no place like home".


  1. I so love your travelogue. You are doing what most Americans don't. A) Not stay at a Marriott. B) Enjoy truly local culture.
