Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sun., Nov. 10, 2013 - Boulder City again

Today we visited a farmers market in a Las Vegas shopping center parking lot - there were food and craft booths - the produce was trucked in from California, but looked really good.  We got greens, staples and tomatoes plus some vegan prepared food from a young couple who wanted to work together so started their own prepared food company.

Next we went back to Lake Mead Nat'l Rec Area for another 5.5 mile walk along the rail path, then to Boulder City for lunch - this time at the Boulder Dam Brew Pub
where they are all about the building of the hoover Dam
Next we went back to the Boulder City Library
so I could get a picture
where they are ALSO all about the building of the Hoover Dam.
Looks like the pictures in Grass Valley of the gold miners at work.

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