where I had lunch with a friend and got to watch him at work activities packaging the fish
caught by charter fishing boat guests when the boat came back to the dock.
Bonus for me I was gifted a couple freeze packed meals of ling cod and a crab for cooking later.
It is a short two hour drive from Newport to McMinnville, and I timed the drive to arrive just before dark. Immediately I was reminded I don’t need to be at the coast to see a beautiful sunset
Now I live in a beautiful RV Resort park
only a 10 minute drive from Eric and Claudia’s house. Mateo made his first trip to grandma’s house my first weekend in town
and we went for a walk in my neighborhood - there is a huge air museum complex next to the RV resort which I enjoy walking for exercise on a regular basis.
I go to their house on a regular basis as well ...for meals - this one was to celebrate Carletta’s birthday. I made chicken piccata following her hand written recipe card, and her famous strawberry pie for dessert.
.....and to help Clau on her sewing machine by finishing up a couple projects that Lupita started while she was here but did not have time to finish before returning to Cancun because she was busy with newborn activities.
We had a quiet and delicious Thanksgiving together at home
where Eric has a hammock set up in the living room for all to enjoy
And I get to cuddle with Mateo
Happy baby. Happy Grandma
Besides family activities, I’ve been having fun getting to know McMinnville and the surrounding area. I go lap swimming in the McMinnville public pool 
and am finding places to enjoy live music in the downtown area on 3rd street
I walked the parade route when Santa came to town
and tapped down some fermenting grapes during an open house on Thanksgiving weekend at one of the (literally) hundreds of wineries in the area.
I met a new friend while enjoying music at a local restaurant and she came to visit me because she is on the verge of being a part-time RV traveler as well and wanted to see my set-up
I made one day trip out of town to visit an Art fair where I lusted after beautiful quilts
but am happy to report I continue to derive great satisfaction from my knitting - it is therapeutic and takes up less space at home - if you don’t count my large inventory of future project yarn:) - and is more portable than sewing. In fact, I took one out of town overnight trip back to Newport where I had a nice overnight visit with Linda, my ranger friend from South Beach State Park
but am happy to report I continue to derive great satisfaction from my knitting - it is therapeutic and takes up less space at home - if you don’t count my large inventory of future project yarn:) - and is more portable than sewing. In fact, I took one out of town overnight trip back to Newport where I had a nice overnight visit with Linda, my ranger friend from South Beach State Park
and spent the next day at my table at a craft fair and sold a good number of my knitted items.
Future business? I doubt it from a financial perspective, but being a traveling crafter makes good emotional sense!
Happy knitting to me!