Sunday we went to Tahoe City Commons Beach to hear and see Dead Winder Carpenters,

We took a picnic and moved four times along the sand at the beach during the afternoon to stay n the sun where it was warm. Not bad view of the lake from the west shore.
Then on Tuesday we went to Sand Harbor state park on the north east shore and attended a showing of "As you Like It"
at the Lake Tahoe Shakespear Festival
with Eric and Claudia
and a picnic dinner.
It was dark by intermission, but still beautiful - the lake was behind the stage
and the moon and stars were bright.
Then for act three.....
we went to Truckee River Regional Park on Wednesday for live music in the ampitheatre
and ice cream provided by Dr. Barry the local sports therapy chiropractor
before we went home to cook dinner. ( enjoy life, eat dessert first?)
and finally we went to Truckee Thursdays in downlown Truckee
and listened to the excellent voice of Emily Quinn
accompanied by Lucan Arins on the classical guitar.
Lots of options for entertainment in Truckee / Lake Tahoe in the summer!